CL Lourens Attorneys Inc

Buying Or Selling Your Property?


We Specialise In All Aspects Of Property Law

We can efficiently and accurately finish your real estate transactions while offering useful guidance as necessary. We take pleasure in our personalized service, and we’ll keep you updated at every stage.

The transferring of the immovable property’s legal title from one individual to another is a component of property law. An attorney with expertise in the legal issues surrounding the purchase and sale of real estate as well as the following registration of the real estate in the appropriate Deeds Registry is known as a conveyancer. A partial list of the specialized services offered by our property law and conveyancing department for both residential and business property includes but is not limited to:

  • Drafting Agreements of Sale;
  • Residential property transfers;
  • Mortgage bond registrations;
  • Sectional title registers;
  • Commercial property transactions;
  • Land consolidations and Subdivisions; and
  • Township registrations.

Should I Use A Lawyer When I Am Buying And Selling Property?

Yes. The deposit and settlement funds should always be paid to a trust account, in addition to being able to help and provide advice during the creation and signing of the sale and purchase agreement.

Never give the deposit to the seller when buying a house because it might be difficult to get it back if the deal is canceled for any reason, or because the seller might spend it and not have enough money to pay the mortgage on settling day. A trust account should always receive deposits. Additionally, by either registering the mortgage against the title or releasing it and paying the outstanding balance to the bank, your lawyer can provide the required undertakings to facilitate a smooth resolution, protect your interests, and guarantee the bank’s interests are protected.



We Strive To Provide All Our Clients With A Superior Service

What Is A Notary Public?

A Notary Public, also known as a Notary, is an admitted attorney who has obtained specialized knowledge and passed an examination for admission to notarial practice. As a result, they have been granted statutory and common law authority to draft and certify specific specialized legal documents, to administer oaths, and to carry out various other extensive administrative tasks with both national and foreign implications.

What Do Notaries Do?

Certain documents, such as antenuptial contracts, personal and praedial servitudes, long-term leases, cession of leases and subleases, cancellations and releases of long-term leases, and notarial bonds, are required to be drawn up and attested to by a notary under the Deeds Registries Act. (general and special). Notaries are required by the Sectional Titles Act to draft notarial tie agreements, servitudes, and deeds to expand sectional schemes and real right of exclusive use areas.

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